

Lorenz Kanzleimarketing offers the legal, tax and audit industry smart, intelligent solutions for:

International firms

Are you the head of an international firm seeking to position itself in Germany? Would you like to optimise your current German market presence with the local know-how of an agency on the ground? We’ll be there for you!

Large firms

Are you the head of a large international firm with a Business Development & Communications Manager? Do you need an external service provider to complement your team for marketing, communications, events and development? You can count on us!

Small and medium-sized firms

Are your firm’s marketing activities spread out over various employees, and do you want to relieve them by taking advantage of a flexible external service provider? Are you considering handing all your marketing activities over to an external expert? Talk to us!

Lawyers, tax consultants, auditors

Are you planning to start a new »boutique« firm? Would you like to go into business for yourself as an independent lawyer or tax consultant and need professional support in the areas of positioning, strategy and corporate identity? Do you have already been active in the market for a while and want to optimise your firm’s public image? We’ll help you all the way!

Individual projects

Your marketing/PR manager has been headhunted and you need an interim solution until you find a successor? You’re getting enquiries from all sides, but you don’t have the human resources you need to handle them? We’ll step into the breach!

We’ll fulfil your individual wishes. We can take on individual modules or offer you a complete package, according to your needs, for a fixed period or for the long term. Set us a challenge. We’ll be more than happy to advise you in an initial no-obligation consultation.